Wednesday, 27 October 2010

I'm still alive!

Just realised I've completely and utterly neglected this blog...but for good reason! Shortly after making my last blog entry I was contacted by the medical school who offered me a place on the GEP course and I took it! So my journey to becoming Dr Faye started 2 weeks earlier than planned on the 6th Sept! Since then life has been absolutely mental (and that's an underestimation!) - for the first week and a half I was commuting up to London every day as I couldn't move into halls early. All I can say about that is...never again! I have never been so exhausted in my life...I was getting back at 7pm, eating, showering and going to bed. Luckily I moved into halls before the workload fully hit. Which it most definitely has now! 1 exam down on the first module, Movement & Posture (which I passed, phew!), next one on Carriage of Oxygen next Tues eek! I'm busier than I've ever been before and I LOVE IT! All the lectures and anatomy classes are really interesting which is a welcome change from biomed! What with playing for the 2nds netball team twice a week and all the extra work I have to do, spare time is at an all time low! I manage to go out quite a bit in the first week of freshers with my flatmates who are on the 5 year course but have barely been out since then due to the sheer amount of work :( It will be worth it in the end though as I'll be in clinics next year and, if all goes to plan, a doctor a year earlier!!

I'm gonna keep this short and sweet as I need to do a bit more work before turning in for the night. Off to the hospital tomorrow for my first day of hospital placement on cardio...looking forward to using my very pretty brand new stethoscope!!

Over and out,


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